
NAGASAKI KIKI MFG CO.,LTD. (the “Company”) has established a personal information protection policy as described below, to build a mechanism of protection of personal information, be thorough efforts and recognition of the importance of personal information protection to all employees by, we will promote the protection of personal information.

Management of personal information

We keep the personal information of our customers accurate and up to date, in order to prevent such unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, leakage of personal information, maintenance and employee training of maintenance and management system of the security system take the necessary measures of thorough, etc., to carry out safety measures you can make strict management of personal information.

Use of personal information

Personal information that was entrusted to us by our customers, as the answers to your contact and business guidance and questions from our, you will use to send us e-mail and documents.

Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties

The Company, the personal information you have entrusted to us than our customers to properly manage, except in cases falling under any of the following, we do not disclose personal information to third parties.
  • If the customer of the consent
  • In order to customers to perform the services that are desired if we disclose to skilled in the art to which to entrust the business
  • If it is necessary on the basis of disclosed laws

Of personal information security measures

The Company, for the sake of accuracy and safety of personal information, has taken all possible measures to security.

The person inquestion of the inquiry
If the customer is hope, such as query, modify and delete personal information of the person in question is, after confirming that it is your identity, and we will respond.

 legal, compliance and review of the Code of Conduct
The Company, Japan’s laws and regulations that apply to personal information held, as well as compliance with other norms, review the contents of this policy as appropriate, will work to its improvement.

Contact Us
Our inquiry regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following.


No.820 Motomura-go Togitsu-cho Nishisonogi-gun Nagasaki pref. Japan

Inquiry form from here